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Insure Your Car with us

A car insurance gives protection to the vehicle owner against (i). damages to his/her vehicle and (ii). pays for any Third-Party Liability determined as per law against the owner of the vehicle. Third Party Insurance is a statutory requirement. The owner of the vehicle is legally liable for any injury or damage to third party life or property caused by or arising out of the use of the vehicle in a public place. Driving a motor vehicle without insurance in a public place is a punishable offence in terms of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

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Hero Motocorp - CBZ X-Treme


RTR 160 Double Disc (160 CC)

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What is Car Insurance

Car insurance is effectively a contract between yourself and an insurance company in which you agree to pay premiums in exchange for protection against financial losses stemming from an accident or other damage to the vehicle.

Masuraksha will support 24*7 to our valuable customer for purchasing instant policy at anytime, anywhere in the world.

The premium rating is based on the following factors:-
  1. Insured Declared Value (I.D.V) i.e. present market value of vehicle
  2. Cubic Capacity
  3. Geographical Zones
  4. Age of the vehicle
Rates of Own Damage are provided separately for
  1. Age not exceeding 5 years
  2. Age exceeding 5 years but no exceeding 10 years
  3. Age exceeding 10 years
Cubic Capacity:
  1. Cubic capacity not exceeding 1000 c.c.
  2. -do Exceeding 1000 but not exceeding 1500
  3. -do Exceeding 1500
Geographical Zones:

Zone A – Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai,New Delhi & Pune.

Zone B – Rest of India

Premium Calculation is available in separate Premium Chart for all vehicles. As the Liability Premium is proposed to increase w.e.f.1st April, 2022 Latest Chart can be incorporated imdly on receipt from Insurers.

The rates are higher for higher age and higher cubic capacity and use in Zone A.

(Note: The rates in % are to be applied on the I.D.V.)

Additional Premium:

If electrical and electronic items fitted to the vehicle but not included in the manufacturer’s selling price of the vehicle are to be insured, it can be done separately under Section(l) at an additional premium on the value of such fittings – to be specifically declared by the insured in the proposal form and/or in a letter.

Fibre Glass fuel tanks: Vehicle fitted with fibre glass fuel tanks will attract an additional premium in the Own Damage section.

  1. Electrical /Electronic Fittings:
  2. Fibre Glass fuel tanks:

A discount in Own Damage premium is allowed, if the proposer is having membership of recognized Automobile Associations.

Private Cars certified by the Vintage &Classic Car Club of India are granted a discount on Own Damage premium.

Vehicle fitted with anti-theft devices approved by Automobile Research Association of India, Pune are eligible for a discount on Own Damage premium.

Additional Perils/Risks covered under Motor Policy:
  • C.P..A. Compulsory Personal Accident Insurance cover provides to Owner-Driver for a Sum Insured of Rs.15 Lakhs provided the Insured is having a valid Driving Licence to drive the said vehicle at the time of accident. It is mandatory as per Supreme Court of India’s verdict w.e.f. September, 2018.
  • Legal Liability to employees – if the employees are carried in a Private Car or other vehicles registered in the name of a Company, employees should be covered by charging a premium @ Rs.50/- per seat as per tariff endorsement IMT.29. If not, in the event of an accident the employees carried in the vehicle may not get compensation as per M.v.Act 1988.
  • In Pvt. Car liability policy too, the occupants of car will not treated as third parties unless additional premium is paid along with liability premium .There is a recent judgement of Karnataka High Court ‘not to treat the occupants of pvt. Car as third parties’ unless additional premium is paid. whereas in Package Policy, the occupants will be treated as third parties and no additional premium required.
  • Personal Accident cover to Un-named Passengers in Pvt.Car. Personal Accident cover up to a Sum Insured of Rs.2 Lakhs per seat/passenger can be granted, if required by the proposer. The premium is Rs.50/- per lakh per seat. The compensation is as follows:-
  • Legal Liability to Driver: It is mandatory in all Liability Policies and premium is Rs.50/- per person.
  • Nil Depreciation or Bumper to Bumper cover can be granted to new Pvt Cars up to 3 or 4 years of age on payment of additional premium. In such case, depreciation for wear & tear will not be deducted in the event of a claim.
  • Engine Protector & Gear Box Protector cover: Package Policy can be extended to these perils on payment of additional premium. Normal package policy doesn’t cover water damage to engine during flood and hence these perils are covered on additional premium.
  • Return-to Invoice Cover – It is available in Pvt Car Package Policy on payment of additional premium. In the event of a total loss to the insured vehicle, the insurer will settle the claim including the Road Tax & Registration fee. Hence on road price from the manufacturer should be obtained for calculating premium.
No Claim Discount (N.C.B)

According to India Motor Tariff 2002. the Insured is entitled to get No Claim Bonus/Discount at the time of renewal of his policy if he had not preferred any claim under the policy during the policy period. This entitlement is applicable to all Insurers and does’nt loss even if the insurer is changed at the time of renewal. The present Insurer will allow you N.C.B. based on your declaration and production of your existing policy to the current Insurer. They will obtain confirmation from the previous insurer to this effect by sending a letter of confirmation of NCB. If the Insured’s declaration found incorrect, the present insurer will send notice to the Insured requesting to remit back the NCB allowed and if not paid, the policy will be cancelled by giving notice to Regional Transport Authorities. The eligibility of N.C.B is as follows;-

1st renewal – 20%

2nd renewal – 25%

3rd renewal - 35%

4th renewal - 45%

5th renewal - 50%

The No Claim Discount will be lost if the Policy is not renewed within 90 days from the date of renewal of the Insurance Policy. The eligibility of NCB is applicable only to the same class of vehicle which please note.

The NCB is allowed to the Insured and not to the vehicle. Therefore, if the insured is sold his vehicle to another person, his eligibility of NCB can be protected by obtaining a Certificate from the existing Insurer and the same can be utilized when he purchase a new vehicle (same class of vehicle) within a period of 3 years.

Stand Alone Own Damage Policy/Renewal.

As per the Supreme Court verdict in the year 2018 and subsequent direction from IRDAI, all Brand new Private Cars should have a Liability Policy for a period of 3 years from the date of first Registration of vehicle. Therefore, all brand new Private Cars are insured for Liability Policy for a period of 3 years from the date of issue/delivery and Own Damage Policy for a period of one year only. Hence, the O.D (Own Damage) Policy have to be renewed every year and these policies are called ‘ STAND ALONE O.D.POLICIES.‘

At the expiry of Liability Policy after 3 years, they can take a Package Policy for Pvt. Car wherein Liability and Own Damage risks are covered and can continue to renew further.

Break of Insurance Policy

All Motor vehicle insurance Policies are required to be renewed every year without break. In case of break of insurance, the vehicle has to be inspected by the Insurer to confirm that the vehicle has no loss or damage during the break-in period. Now a days, photograph of vehicle from four sides and the photograph of metre reading on date app is acceptable to the Insurers but any claim during break-in period will not be accepted by the Insurer.

If Existing Policy expired then the following need to submit for inspection
  • All 4 side photos of the vehicle
  • Photos of Odometer reading
  • Photo of Chassis
  • Photo of Wind shield (front Glass)
  • Photos of Engine Compartment
  • *Existing policy should be Continuous policy
  • *Break In insurance policy cannot be converted to Addon
Transfer of Motor Insurance Policy.

If the vehicle is sold to another person, the Insurance Policy can be transferred in the name of buyer if the Registration Certificate of the vehicle is transferred in his/her name by submitting fresh proposal form by the new owner to the Insurer along with documentary proof to the effect that the vehicle is transferred in his name. The Insurers are charging Rs.50/-+GST towards transfer fee. If the existing Insured has enjoyed NCD, the buyer have to pay the proportionate recovery of NCB from the date of transfer. The transferee should apply to the Insurer within 14 days from the date of transfer with the proposal form for making the changes in the Insurance Policy. If the transfer is not effected by the Insurer by issuing an endorsement & fresh Certificate of Insurance, neither the Insured nor the transferee is not entitled to get any claim in the event of a loss or damage to the vehicle even the policy is valid. But Liability claims are being considered and settled by the Tribunal (MACT).In this regard, customer has to touch with respective insurance company.

Claim Services:

In the event of an accident, immediate notice should be given to the Insurer mentioning the Policy Number, date, time, place and cause of accident.

The matter should be intimated to the local Police Station and make necessary record either F.I.R. or G.D. Entry. It is a clear proof of the accident. If the damages are minor in nature and no third party injury or property damages, need not intimated to Police and the reason thereof may be briefed to the Insurer, in writing.

If the accident is major, the Insurance Company will arrange spot survey by their Surveyors. After survey and after completion of Police formalities, the vehicle can be shifted to the premises of Repairer and get the Estimate of Repairs. The claim form issued by the Insurer should be completed and signed by the Insured should be submitted to the Insurer along with the estimate of repairs and vehicular documents like R.C, D/L, Permit, Trip Sheet, Fitness Certificate, I.D. proof, copy of FIR/G.D. Entry etc.

On receipt of these documents the Insurer will arrange final Survey of the vehicle at the repairer’s premises. After survey, the repair can be commenced with the permission of Insurance Surveyor and after completion of work, the final Bill should be submitted to the Insurer. On receipt thereof, the Surveyor will re-inspect the vehicle and submit his Survey Report to the insurer.

The claim will be settled by the Insurer with the repairer directly. If the Insured is making direct payment to the repairer, the Receipt thereof and his consent should be obtained from the repairer to make payment in the name of Insured. In such case, the Insured’s Bank A/c. details too should be furnished to the Insurer.

Third Party injury or death

In case of Third Party injury or death case, the matter should be intimated to your Insurer in writing along with Policy copy and vehicular documents like R.C, D/L, Permit, Trip Sheet, Fitness Certificate and copy of F.I.R. etc. A claim form also should be completed and signed by the Insured to the Insurer. If you are receiving Summons from the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, the same should be handed over to the Insurer who will appear before the Tribunal on behalf of Insured if the Insurance Policy is valid at the time of accident and the Insured have fulfilled all the terms & conditions of the Insurance Policy. The award passed by the tribunal will be satisfied by the Insurer and the Insured is free from any liability.

Whereas, if there are violations under the Policy like invalid D/L, wrong usage of vehicle, invalid Fitness Certificate, Permit, change of geographical area etc. the Insurer will take a plea before the Tribunal that they have no liability as the Insured have violated the Policy terms & conditions. In such an occasion the Insured have to defend his case through an Advocate before the MACT (Motor Accident Claims Tribunal) with supporting documents for his/her defence.